Sunday 30 September 2007

Visiting the Queen

- by Beanz

This weekend we went to London to visit the queen and frighten a little mouse under a chair.

Well, the humans did. Bamgee and TJam went to London to see some friends. They contributed to an art project. They coloured postcards and stuck them on a big wall with loads of other postcards.

post cards on the artists' wall The rest of the day they drank tea and ate loads of food. They saw the houses of parliament. They didn't frighten a little mouse under a chair. I don't think they saw the queen either.

lovely lovely fox poo Meanwhile, Chips and I chased London squirrels and rolled in London fox poo. It smells just as gorgeous as the Northern variety only it doesn't say its "t"s on the ends of words.

If you look closely you can see how I rubbed it all in my ears to make sure it lingered even longer.

TJam saw her little baby cousin. He was wearing the t-shirt she send him. It says, "Spit on that tissue and I'll call social services". It's not a joke either. He liked looking at us dogs and grabbing us. I wanted to lick him but I was not supposed to.

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