Friday 16 December 2011


TJam has been doing some shopping today. We wondered if she was going to make it home when the weather turned like THIS:

(Did you spot the optimistic little kid crossing the road with his sledge?
It was just like a Hollywood film!)

When TJam got home, we went for a most excellent walk. Beanz was overjoyed. Snow is her absolute favourite. She did her special bouncy run to celebrate.


ForPetsSake said...

What great weather! I miss snow, as inconvenient as it can be. It makes me feel like I'm in some enchanted, magical world. There's nothing as nice as standing perfectly still alone outdoors while it's actively snowing. There's a hush all around you as you feel the flakes hit your face. Magic indeed.

Beanz said...

aww and your dogs are perfect for snow! Yes, love that otherworld snow experience :)