- by Beanz
We have had a busy weekend. We went to Madchenster (that's its spy name) and when we went for a walk this morning, my park was completely flooded! You can see the little bridge over the stream is almost completely under water. I had a good paddle and splash around, but Chips has not been feeling herself so she just had a little drink.

We couldn't walk across the park (I did try but TJam's new wellies sprung a leak and Chips didn't want to) so we went a different way. We found a funny bench with a monster thing at the end. I had a good old bark at it at first but once TJam had balanced a couple of treats on its nose, I didn't mind it so much. I don't really like fake animal model things. Chips was not bothered and she got on the bench and admired the intricate carvings until I was ready to pose.

Chips was feeling a bit better this morning. On Friday she didn't eat her lunch or her tea. That is the first time she has ever been actually poorly (and not in some kind of accident or escapade, too numerous to name here). So even though she is no stranger to the vet's it was odd that we didn't know what was wrong with her. The only time she has
ever refused food was when she had secretly eaten half a bag of dried dog food. No one knew so they thought she might have bloat and TJam had to fork out £56 after hours vet care.
Anyway, this time, she had a high temperature so she got some antibiotics and painkillers. They did her good Saturday and Sunday morning, but this evening she didn't eat a chew stick so we are watching her again. She is feeling sorry for herself. I am being good and not getting jealous of her. TJam says I have had my fair share of medical emergencies and I am not to a) catch anything and b) fake anything for the attention. No danger there. I do not want to miss my walk in case they have had a party at the rugby club over the weekend and there is some hoovering up to do. Monday morning is hoovering morning.

Sleep it off Chips. I miss you boxing me and biting my neck when I am trying to nibble your face. It is boring when you just turn away sadly.
get well soon chippy minton.x x
Oh my...I hope Chips is feeling better this morning.
I came over to thank you for your kind comments on my Blog!
And now I see Chips is not well, I hope she is much better today.
My Jeannie says "you never see a Poor Vet", she says our Vet's eyes turn into cash registers as soon as we enter the building, he is totting the sums up as we speak!!!!
We liked the picture of you both by the carving. I once barked and barked at a carving of a seal in South Queensferry near Edinburgh.
It really freaked me out!
Get well licks to poor Chips. Your flooding looks as bad as ours up here. Love and healing licks, your friend, Marvin xxxxx
Thank you my friends. I passed on my walk this morning but this evening I was much much better and had a spritely outing so paws crossed I am back to normal tomorrow. Not so sure about the 6.45am start though, now I come to think of it. Maybe I will fake it and get just one more lie in. Nah, just kidding. I've got sniffs to sniff and hare trails to follow...
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