- by TJam
This evening I was sitting innocently by the computer, when I heard that past and distant "mraaawl" that Carlsberg used to do when she brought a mouse into the house.
Of course it is nearly a year since Carlsberg was
incarcerated provided with a spacious yet secure environment, and therefore nearly a year since the last mouse incident. Surely there are no mice in
our garden. They wouldn't dare.
So I didn't hurry to the front door. When I got there I wished I'd gone a bit slower. Force of habit, I took my camera with me... (you might need to click on the photo to enlarge it for full view)...

Mr Mouse ran behind my shoes! Horror. I dug out the old mouse trap from under the sink and Mr M is now back in the garden. Whether that is with a body temperature of 37C or with rigamortis set in by now I couldn't rightly say, but Carlsberg seems to have lost her touch and couldn't put it out of its misery. Let's hope she doesn't decide to practise any more this evening.
Even though we can't see it, I bet you anything she is drooling!
How nice of Carlsberg to bring Mr M in out of the cold, my friends neighbour's cat brought in a young mole, it was only when he decided to move the chair to see what the cat was showing an interest in, he found it, nearly had a heart attack!
!!Beware - Hypocritical Moment Alert!!
More posts! More posts! More posts!
Sorry, I couldn't help myself. I find the writing style that you use, and subjects that seem to come up, utterly hilarious. I really look forward to every new post you make....
Anyway, I hope you're all OK. Tilly's grateful for the advice about glands....
Mack: yes, she was drooling. Lucky we have a waterproof mat.
Julie: don't give Carlsberg ideas!
Graham, Prince & Tilly: You realise that every post means another disaster for us?! You couldn't make this stuff up. How are Tilly's glands?! Hope ok.
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