Then I came home and supervised while TJam started on the garden. She is at the "I can lift things if I bend my knees and keep my back perfectly straight" stage of recovery. That's the second time those stones have had their photo on this blog. I predict it won't be the last either.
It was a tough job, but I made sure that things kept moving.

I went for a little splash in the pond. TJam carried on walking. She called me but I didn't appear. Her super sense told her something was wrong (or was she coming to reprimand me for a shoddy recall?). Then I limped over the bank of the pond and stood pathetically. TJam even broke into a run. That's how pathetic I looked.
I was quiet and I couldn't move my leg, but I was still normal. I still wanted a treat. I wasn't crying or licking. I just didn't want to move. So I sat down. I couldn't move my leg into the middle. This photo was taken straight on and my leg is not resting on anything. (Don't worry, TJam didn't prioritise art over my immediate well being. She had decided to ask our friend's opinion on what to do next. Like I said, I wasn't distressed. Just subdued.)

They jumped out of their car and galloped to my rescue! N&J you are the best!
I hobbled into my carriage and they put me in. It was quite a posh car so TJam was mortified that I had just come out of a stagnant pond. This was a real test of friendship and TJam owes them big time.
And so, because Chips and Carlsberg have all had a go at the emergency vet after the 6pm cut off point for maximum fee, and so that I could make it a complete set, I went to out of hours vet. Now I am really one of the hardcore gang.
The vet was lovely. She said I had a crunchy elbow and that it just needs plenty of drugs and rest. Maybe it popped out and in or luxated or something. She also found I had a tick so she showed TJam how to remove it. Then she said, "I'll get you an injecsheroony." I was a bit disappointed to find that it was actually just an injection, but after my injecsheroonies, she gave me a rich tea biscuit. A whole one! To myself! I am going to ask if we can change vets.
Plus she gave me a whole bottle of those lovely beef flavour tablets that I love.

And then TJam drove me home and I got back in my bed and I am ready for a lovely sleep, while TJam phones her friend Nerospal and tells her how much she appreciates what a fab friend she is. And how fab Jo is too.
At least you took my mind off my stepping-on-a-rusty-nail injury. There's always that.
PS Could you keep the snoring down?
Life's anything but boring at your house! Did you have to go to the vet with your injury? I hope it's better now. DG
oh I have been missing from the dog blogs, and only just managing to catch up on your news!
So so so so so so so so sorry to hear about your injury, but on the upside your emergency vet sounds great! What's her number, I have a few medical probs she could perhaps deal with out of hours!
I do hope it is better soon, it looked really painful, what a drama eh?
lots of healing licks, your friend, Marvin xxxxx
oh and Jeannie xxxx
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