I am going to accept this award on behalf of Chips and Carlsberg because I am the one who likes to think. It is a great honour to be given this award by Graham, Prince and Tilly Too especially because I have only just met them (virtually of course. You should never meet internet people in real life if you haven't even met them on the internet yet).
It is the thinking blogger award.

Here is some evidence, should you need it, that we are very thoughtful. Here I am, doing my most thinking face, pondering by the light of a pumpkin's grin...

1. You must write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think. (No squirrel or cat blogs, they'll just make you hungry.)
2. Acknowledge and link to this post.
3. Optional: Proudly display the 'Thinking Blogger Award' with a link to the post that you wrote.
4. Tell your humans to fork over the treats!
Now, passing it on is a hard one because I know that Marvin has already had a thinking award, and I just gave a best friend one to Mack and the SUMDs, so I will choose the following:
Randi: because I like his blog and I think about him and his brother.
Finding Beau: we have discussed this a lot in our house. It is such a long time ago and yet we still want Beau to come home... we think a lot about this and lost dogs in general.
Alan Martin: This is his personal blog, and I hope the link to his video (below) works. Not only does he challenge TJam to think about her attitude to so many things, situations and people, but he is also has an amazing talent of putting everybody (and we mean EVERYBODY, even TEENAGERS) at their ease nd joining in in no time at all. Not bad for anyone, before mentioning that Alan couldn't say a word until he was 31 and his friends clubbed together to get him his first communication aid. Now he is a self employed dancer, actor and activist, volunteer, role model and working full out to help others fulfil their potential. He makes us think what communication is about in its fullest form. Respect.
Steve Don't Eat It! This page pleases the dogs and humans in this household. Chips and I are in awe. TJam laughs a lot and gags a lot. Wholesome fun for the whole family. Well, for those who enjoy the odd swear word anyway.
Badger That! We liked this blog because everyone had spy names (although they weren't called spy names, just not real names) and because it was the blog that inspired us to put more photos on our own pages. Read Badgers award winning post of the week.
Ok, so that is 5 links and now for a photo that should make YOU think. How comes I am so much bigger that Bamgee? I could EAT her! hahahaha.
TJam - hand over the treats. We're award winners now you know. I'll have a tripe stick to start, and Chips will take a Kong stuffed with cat food. In fact, make that two....
Dear Beanz
Thank you very much for giving the Thinking Blogger award to Finding Beau. We appreciate this very much. Thank you for caring about my brother, Beau. Mum feels very strongly that Stormy's mission Operation Bring Beau Home will not fail, and Beau will be home in 2008.
The video of Alan Martin is inspiring, and good on him for speaking out.
Love from Hammer
Congrats on your award guys!
Mom really liked the video!
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