Welcome to Bin-raiders of the lost (B)ark.
We are Beanz and Carlsberg, a dog and a cat living in The Tip with our humans. We tip a nod to our loyal contributor and friend Chips, who will live on in our memories for her spectacular adventures.
We are all superb rescue animals of Heinz variety, enjoying our 2nd chance to the full.
Beanz likes sunbathing and chasing rabbits, while Carlsberg prefers mushroom pate on toast.
Friday, 29 February 2008
Cat Tree Progress
Last night we learned off the TV that biodegradable plastic bags only biodegrade if they are processed in industrial composters because they need to reach high temperatures to break down.
If this is correct, then it is a waste of money and intention to buy biodegradable poo bags because if they go into the normal rubbish, the plastic is as bad as any other plastic.
Does anyone know if this is right?
This is not much of a comedy post, that's the truth. We might start a campaign to bury the poo, not bag it. Remove a clump of turf, push poop into hole and replace clump. It would be a lot kinder to the environment, but would we get fined?
Wednesday, 27 February 2008
Delivery for Carlsberg

Sunday, 24 February 2008

You were feisty for a little old lady, but you had such a gentle soul. We’ll forever miss your uncompromising affection, your infectious passion for life, and your special gift for knowing just when we needed a cuddle. In the sunset of your life, I hope we made you as happy, warm and contented as you could ever be. You’ll always be our special little girl and we’ll always miss you.
Love you forever our sunshine girl.
I am in the doghouse for prancing about like an idiot and willfully running 10 paces in front of TJam so she couldn't catch me. I am in the doghouse for enjoying myself. I don't know why TJam is annoyed. I was just scavenging and sniffing around some people's gardens. She didn't have to come back and look for me. If she had held her nerve whilst hiding behind the tree to try and make me feel lost and scared, she could have stayed where she was.
It is 6.16pm and I haven't had my tea yet. Doesn't TJam know, if the punishment isn't delivered within 3 seconds of the crime, I don't know what I am being punished for? She seems to be pleased with herself though. She'll cave in soon, once she's got it out of her system.
Wednesday, 20 February 2008
What is it? Wednesday 3
- by Beanz
For a while there, What is it Wednesday was looking shaky as TJam bravely took on the mighty Norovirus and lived to tell the tale. (Thank you to Bamgee for walking us on Sunday. You're fab!)Then a combination of The Vicar of Dibley and this morning's weather provided the perfect scenario.
Cryptic clue: Turkish Delight
Friday, 15 February 2008
Getting Cheeky

Excuse the dirty window that really shows up. TJam didn't have time to clean it before she took the photo. Or bring the 2 socks in off the washing line.
Thursday, 14 February 2008
Not Very Good at Goodbyes
Tonight is a bit sad because I had my last dog training lesson. Just in case TJam was going to rose colour tint how good I was, I made sure to get up during the down stay. I let TJam get 95% of the way round the room and just as she said, "Oh my goodness, I'm going to get all the way round for the first time EVER!" I got up. Don't want her getting above herself.
I did, however, do my first ever straight sit at heel. First and last.
TJam was a bit sad to finish but she also wants me to do some different things so I can get confident going to different places. She is going to take me on a train. 7////// (Carlsberg! Did I type all over your post? No I did not. Go and play in your paper bag.)
I would like to say thank you to Gail my teacher and Karen, Derek and Chris who are the other bosses (except Chris always used to call me and distract me and laugh when I got in trouble). I hope I can go back and see them but not have to do any work. And I hope we see the other dogs and owners in the park. And I hope they will leave me a message on this blog by clicking on "comments" and then typing something.
The Turning of Tables
In the old days, I used to love getting on next door's roof and teasing my nemesis. She was not allowed out much and sat in the window, boxing the glass to get at me.
I laughed in a silent, cat kind of way.

Wednesday, 13 February 2008
What is It? Wednesday
At the risk of losing any self respect she may have had, TJam has agreed to put in our reinactment of this Wednesday's film.
If you need a clue, this film is 69 years old but is as fabulous today as it was back then.
Tuesday, 12 February 2008
I'm a Winner!
Ok so I may not be a gold citizen and I may never be a gold citizen, but I am funny and I am now a competition winner! Click on this link to see how hiliarious I am and what a good sense of humour I have! Ha ha ha. Best not go there if you have recently had surgery. I don't want to be responsible for any burst stitches now...
Dr Beanz's Analysis
Tjam has come stomping home today. When I questioned her, she described a scene from her post office (that is a place humans go to post letters and such like). She had been posting a parcel, when a senior citizen of a man came in (although, as you will see, not a bronze, silver or gold senior citizen). He made some small talk and got onto the subject of his passport application. I will now outline the exchange and give my commentary. Ahem:
Man: "They're slow in this post office (said in a joking way to indicate friendliness with PO staff). How long did my passport take?! They made me do my photo again." - Dr Beanz says: What, the post office rejected his photo for a bit of post office sport? Surely not!"
Man: "Yes, they made me take my glasses off! And my wife was half smiling and you're not allowed to show your teeth, so they made her do hers again." Dr Beanz says, "Ah now I'm begining to see where this is going. You are abdicating responsibility and blaming the post office for a consequence of your own making."
Man: "Blackies would have no problem though. They put you straight through if you're a blackie!" Dr Beanz says, "Woah, I didn't see that coming. Hold on while I shake myself down and analyse this. Well sir, maybe "blackies" read the passport application instructions and do it right the first time."
Dr Beanz says, "Grrrrrr"
Friday, 8 February 2008
Today is our gotcha day. It is 6 years since TJam learnt why people say you should never get two dogs at the same time. 6 years since she learnt the wisdom in not just turning up at the dogs' home with the intention of getting, "2 black dogs". 6 years to ponder why someone would put a 5 month old puppy in the home because it was too boisterous. 6 years to wonder how anyone managed to actually dump me, Chips, the GPS/velcro dog, and get away from me long enough for me to become stray.
And so it was, that fateful night 6 years ago, that TJam drove home with her two black dogs in the boot of her Nissan Micra (parcel shelf removed), and that I had to stand in a pool of Beanz's carsickness and a little diarrhea to boot.
She brought us into the house. Beanz was a lot cuter than I remember actually:

and although she was very energetic, she got tired easily.

Those first couple of days, we didn't know that Beanz would soon be seeing the sea for the first time, and being not very impressed with it:

Nope, at that time, we were just two bewildered dogs, getting to know our new home. I established my place at the top of the food chain quickly of course, while Beanz was still smaller than me. Imagine. She was the small one!
Thursday, 7 February 2008
Doe a Deer
Parlour Game Failure
Now that TJam has YouTubed the TV programme you had to guess, it would seem she has remembered it completely wrongly and there is very little train trackage involved in the real thing.
Listening to the music did bring a tear to her eye and she resolved to track down the series on DVD. (Obsessive? TJam?)
So, we urge you to do better than we did at your first attempt and we share with you the closing credits so you can get the whole moving-on feel and perhaps understand where the traintrack misunderstanding came from.
Wednesday, 6 February 2008
"What is it?" Wednesday
If you are TJam's mum, aunt or technophobic friend, you might not know what this is about. Chips, Carlsberg and I are new to "the blogging community" but from what we see, loads of people read each others' blogs and make friends. Sometimes they do the modern equivalent of parlour games: they set each other challenges or projects which are fun and building of the community spirit.
Now that we have forayed into this new dimension, TJam hopes it is not too early for us to set a project.* Traditionally it seems to be linked to a day of the week. We were going for film friday but it is only Wednesday and we couldn't wait that long. Besides which, this Friday is special to us for another reason and there won't be room to fit a film in as well (brace yourself). Alternatively, we might just not link it to any day at all.
The challenge is this:
Recreate a film or tv programme of your choice in a film or photo and other people have to guess what it is.
This is our first attempt, inspired by my backside and the railway line**
If you were not around in the late 70s, early 80s, you might not get it. If you were, sing along and do the chorus accapelo.
* If it is too early and we have created a blogging faux pas, I'm sure the blogging police will put us right. We respond best to positive reinforcement officer.
** NB this is a model railway line and the trains do not run at this time of year. No dog was harmed or endangered during the making of this video.
PS Join in! We are not going to tag anyone, join in when you feel the urge.
Tuesday, 5 February 2008
Assessment and another Word to the Wise
Tonight we went to the vet for our assessments to be PAT dogs. Beanz was a model citizen of course but I was a bit nervous. In my defence, I was mainly nervous because they did it AT THE VET. That would be the place where I get an injection every time I visit and a thermometer stuck up my bum at the very least. For all I knew they were going to put me to sleep and whip something out. Or worse, put me on a diet.
Anyway, I put up with most things but I wasn't what you would call enthusiastic. Still, the important thing is we have tried. If it's not for me, it's not for me. Next we have to send off out passport photos. Ha ha. I wonder if TJam will take us into a photobooth.
My word to the wise is this: If you make pancakes, don't use flour that has been in a plastic container for over 12 months. Apart from the veavels (extra protein), the plastic gives the pancakes a horrible taste and spoils the whole flipping and tasting experience. No amount of cheese and jam, sugar and lemon or ice cream and chocolate sauce can hide it. TJam had to give up on her 3rd one once she had exhaused all the options. She will go shopping and try again tomorrow. If you have a dog, I recommend you let them have a taste. Not like here. We weren't even allowed in the kitchen.
Sunday, 3 February 2008
I am going to accept this award on behalf of Chips and Carlsberg because I am the one who likes to think. It is a great honour to be given this award by Graham, Prince and Tilly Too especially because I have only just met them (virtually of course. You should never meet internet people in real life if you haven't even met them on the internet yet).
It is the thinking blogger award.

Here is some evidence, should you need it, that we are very thoughtful. Here I am, doing my most thinking face, pondering by the light of a pumpkin's grin...

1. You must write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think. (No squirrel or cat blogs, they'll just make you hungry.)
2. Acknowledge and link to this post.
3. Optional: Proudly display the 'Thinking Blogger Award' with a link to the post that you wrote.
4. Tell your humans to fork over the treats!
Now, passing it on is a hard one because I know that Marvin has already had a thinking award, and I just gave a best friend one to Mack and the SUMDs, so I will choose the following:
Randi: because I like his blog and I think about him and his brother.
Finding Beau: we have discussed this a lot in our house. It is such a long time ago and yet we still want Beau to come home... we think a lot about this and lost dogs in general.
Alan Martin: This is his personal blog, and I hope the link to his video (below) works. Not only does he challenge TJam to think about her attitude to so many things, situations and people, but he is also has an amazing talent of putting everybody (and we mean EVERYBODY, even TEENAGERS) at their ease nd joining in in no time at all. Not bad for anyone, before mentioning that Alan couldn't say a word until he was 31 and his friends clubbed together to get him his first communication aid. Now he is a self employed dancer, actor and activist, volunteer, role model and working full out to help others fulfil their potential. He makes us think what communication is about in its fullest form. Respect.
Steve Don't Eat It! This page pleases the dogs and humans in this household. Chips and I are in awe. TJam laughs a lot and gags a lot. Wholesome fun for the whole family. Well, for those who enjoy the odd swear word anyway.
Badger That! We liked this blog because everyone had spy names (although they weren't called spy names, just not real names) and because it was the blog that inspired us to put more photos on our own pages. Read Badgers award winning post of the week.
Ok, so that is 5 links and now for a photo that should make YOU think. How comes I am so much bigger that Bamgee? I could EAT her! hahahaha.
TJam - hand over the treats. We're award winners now you know. I'll have a tripe stick to start, and Chips will take a Kong stuffed with cat food. In fact, make that two....
Friday, 1 February 2008
Doggy Maths

Although the photography is not very good (blame my staff), here is a good doggy illustration of the mathmatical concept of inverse proportionality. The size of the bottles collected on this walk are inversely proportional to the size of the dog that collected it (but proportional to their position within the hierarchy). Meouw. Now open my pouch of duck in gravy.