Gung Hay Fat Choy everyone. That is happy new year if you are Chinese. Today the humans abandoned me and Chips and went to the Chinese New Year celebrations in a nearby city.
There were loads of stalls and you could buy special drums to make loads of noise to keep bad spirits away. If they's have taken me with them, I could have made loads of noise to keep bad spirits away. But no, we were not invited on account of the fire crackers. And the fact that TJam wanted to have a relaxing time, and not two hyped up hounds learning about cultural issues, especially cultural things that fall on the floor, like noodles, rice and pad thai curry (or something, so we are told). Here are Bready and Bamgee buying some stuff.

The humans were also stopped in the street and told they could "make a wish" on the Buddha. Now, I'm just a dog, not a theologist, but I thought prayer and meditation were associated with Buddhism. I didn't realise that all this time we could have just been making a couple of wishes. Let's see if Buddha comes good with all those bones I'm going to ask for...
anyway, next the humans went to the art gallery. Actually they just needed to use the facilities, but it turned out there were loads of interactive Chinese things there. And then Bamgee said, "Aren't those Silky's bags?" (Silky is her spy name) and it turned out that TJam's friend Silky has some bags for sale in the gallery! How cool is that?! Don't they look good.
Hey, Beanz!
At least you got your walk, right? I hope your TJam and her buddies had a great time. Chinese New Year can be quite fun if you actually get to celebrate it. Maybe next year!
You guys stay warm now. Nobody likes to see their beanz or chips getting cold! hehehe (bet you hear that kind of bad punnage all the time)
Goober love,
Hello Beanz! I have found your blog at long last, via Stanley's, thank dogness for Stanley, I was beside myself not being able to locate you.
I will link with your blog right now, so I never lose you again.
It is good to be back, a new blog and old friends, what more could a dog bark for!
My Jeannie says she likes the photo of the pretty, silky bags, the colours apparently are "her".
Take care and now I have found you, I wont let you go!
Hope you are coping with the snow?
lotsaluv, Marvin xxxxxxxx
Jeannie xxxxxxxxxxx
Dewclaws crossed that your mom gets to miss work tomorrow!!
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