When I was a pup, and before I managed to get my ears into the ten past eight position as so:

Welcome to Bin-raiders of the lost (B)ark.
We are Beanz and Carlsberg, a dog and a cat living in The Tip with our humans. We tip a nod to our loyal contributor and friend Chips, who will live on in our memories for her spectacular adventures.
We are all superb rescue animals of Heinz variety, enjoying our 2nd chance to the full.
Beanz likes sunbathing and chasing rabbits, while Carlsberg prefers mushroom pate on toast.
I wish I could do that with my ears. :)
Brilliant! Tilly and Prince have been the result of, aherm, dubious parentage - although I'm not sure meercats have been involved. Eels, maybe in Tillys case....
oh yes I can definitely see the similarity he he he!
My Jeannie adores that advert, always makes her laff laff laff!
We think you are very handsome, it doesn't matter about the parentage!
lotsaluv, Marvin xxxxxx and Jeannie xxxxx
sorry I put in the wrong blog site on the above comment! I was so mesmerised by the video.......
the website I put is our practice one, and it contains all our disasters, no-one gets in under the razor wire on that blog!!!!!
lotsaluv, Marvin xxxxxxxxxx
You are one pretty collie mix that's for sure!!
Badger: I am sure you could if you practised. Perhaps you already can, you just don't reaslise.
G, P & T: Eels eh? Dubious parentage is the best type.
Marvin: thanks. We love the other advert too. TJam won't stop doing impressions of it. Perhaps I will secretly film her...
Mack: Why thank you ;) You are very handsome too sir. And very good at chewing things.
A striking resemblance!
Hello LWD, good to see you, thanks for calling by and agreeing with me :)
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