Spring is in the air.
Whenever TJam sees poplars (or whatever you call those tall straight trees) she thinks about the allotment she used to go to with her mum when she was small. Her mum used to dig, and TJam used to write. Well, she used to make squiggles on the page in a long line and then look for shapes that looked like letters (mostly, if they were going to look like anything, they would look like an "m"). There was a man there that had a Westhighand Terrier . The allotment shop smelled like fertiliser.
Anyhu, all of that was YEARS before we were born, in the days when dog poo turned white and you could still get Green Shield Stamps.
Here we are, posing by the poplars.
That's a beautiful picture. Especially the pooches in the middle. Now if you will please forgive our density, what does allotment mean? Mom (and me) hear it on BBC in America and we always wondered...
OOOwww, Mum went all nostalgic about allotments, her grandad used to have one and she spent many a happy hour collecting tomatoes and digging up things she shouldn't, he never minded and he had a huge pig called pinky that was ever so friendly and would let you sit on its back and trot around with you on it. She's all glassy eyed now with fond memories, think i'll have a quick surf on e bay while she's pre-occupied!
Nancy x
Mack: hi! An allotment is like a field that is divided up into plots and people rent a plot (for a small fee, like £50/year or something) to grow vegetables or flowers or whatever they want to grow. Around here, some people also keep chickens (I LOVE chickens!) or rabbits (we LOVE them too), but I don't think you can keep animals on all allotments. Does that explain? Ask me more questions if it doesn't...
Nancy: ahh, a friendly pig. How fabulous. (Did you manage to get anything from ebay? nudge nudge wink wink)
My Jeannie is on a waiting list in our village for an allotment!
oh and green shield stamps, kinda jogged a trip down memory lane, oh and we loved, loved, loved, the photo of the tall trees and you two on this post, what a wonderful image!
lotsaluv, Marvin xxxxxx
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