Wednesday 26 November 2003


I advise you never to eat a tub of liver and a carrot.

Poor me!

Tuesday 25 November 2003


While TJam was at work we polished off a tub of liver (our training treats that TJam spent cooking, much to her vegan disgust) and a carrot. Then we dragged a parsnip each back to our beds and sat on them all afternoon. In case you were wondering, they did not hatch.

Friday 14 November 2003

Rat Man

We had to get the rat man in today. TJam says we shouldn't admit that, but I say that out real friends won't judge us if we have mice or rats living in the cavity walls. Perhaps it will keep away the visitors  that invite themselves round even when we haven't invited us in ages. Ha ha ha!

Wednesday 5 November 2003

Fireworks - Are We Bothered?

Today we went for a long walk with Nero and Nerospal. We got nice and tired so we wouldn't be bothered with the fireworks. Not that we are bothered anyway. Carlsberg was equally not bothered thankfully.