Welcome to Bin-raiders of the lost (B)ark.
We are Beanz and Carlsberg, a dog and a cat living in The Tip with our humans. We tip a nod to our loyal contributor and friend Chips, who will live on in our memories for her spectacular adventures.
We are all superb rescue animals of Heinz variety, enjoying our 2nd chance to the full.
Beanz likes sunbathing and chasing rabbits, while Carlsberg prefers mushroom pate on toast.
Thursday 31 July 2014
Tonight I took myself off and buried myself in the workmens' dust sheet. I'll just have a quiet minute. Then I might have another look for that cat...
Tuesday 29 July 2014
Little Red Wombling Dog Day 4
Monday 28 July 2014
Little Red Dog Day 3
Sunday 27 July 2014
Excuse Me But...
I mean, look at it. It looks like a womble!
Saturday 26 July 2014
Hello! Hello!
Friday 25 July 2014
Cream Crackered
I went to hydrotherapy this morning. If I had my way I would not be going again but they said I should get used to it and even enjoy it after a few sessions.
TJam felt so sorry for me she didn't even take my photo to blog. She said she'd save my dignity. Funny she never worried about that before.
Now I am resting in the sunshine. The heat is good for my joints apparently.
Tuesday 22 July 2014
Wow, two hares on my path!
I gave them a good chase. Won't do my legs any good but it was totally worth it.
Saturday 19 July 2014
Friday 18 July 2014
Great Escape
Tonight I took my chance. No sooner could TJam say, "I think the neighbour's dog is trying to get into our garden," but I was over the fence and checking out the French Bulldogs' home turf. Not bad actually.
But TJam is not quite as stupid as she looks, and she was in the garden and hunting me down just as I was sniffing in their drains, but before I realised there was a rabbit hutch there.
Now a new fence panel is number one on the human priority list and I am not allowed out unaccompanied.
All that planning down the drain.
Sunday 13 July 2014
Saturday 12 July 2014
Friday 11 July 2014
Tuesday 8 July 2014
Thursday 3 July 2014
But first I will appeal to your better nature by engaging my sad and disappointed face.
She was too slow with her camera to create a real life memory of me chasing Mr Rabbit across the field though. I've still got it you know.