Monday 24 May 2010

Couldn't Care Less

I title this piece of work "Couldn't Care Less About Nature". Just because TJam has a new camera, doesn't mean I have to appreciate it.

TJam says to say, if you click on the picture, it is an amazing piece of nature.


Sunday 23 May 2010

My Weekend

I have mostly been laying around on this lovely weekend. Although I did spend Friday night in the porch. Curiosity got the better of me as the dogs came in from their last walk of the evening, I popped into the porch but TJam didn't see me. She thought it was quiet during the night but only came looking for me on Saturday morning. I made her feel suitably guilty and she still owes me one.

I made up for it by sunning myself all weekend.

The humans deserted me on Saturday night to go out for dinner with Unliz, Bready and Coach. They had a lovely curry.

TJam is buzzing now because out on her walk today, she saw none other than David Bellamy. He was doing a tour and talk about local woodland. The dogs went and only slightly disgraced her by eating something unmentionable and then half a cheesecake that someone had dropped. A minor blip really. Look, here is DAVID BELLAMY talking to the people.

Friday 21 May 2010

Settee Rules

This is my fur and I don't know how it got on the settee because I am not allowed on there and I would never break the rules.

Wednesday 19 May 2010


This weekend, we went to the beach. I took advantage of the litter situation to bag myself a nice little plastic bottle to play with and chase and chew up...

TJam tried to get Beanz to pose for the camera, but Beanz was in snogging mood. Look at that tongue (and try not to imagine where it has been...)

We found a cool park to go in to have our lunch.

Then we walked back along the beach, where Bamgee admired this kind of kite surfing craze thing that my humans are too old and uncool to know anything about...

here is a close up in case you can help us out on the name...

and here are some British donkeys for our American and overseas friends who may not have seen such a thing:

We didn't chase the donkeys. They have enough stress with carrying children up and down the beach all day, without me and Beanz making things worse for them.

Friday 14 May 2010

Clever Friend

B2 is our particularly clever friend ...

Wednesday 12 May 2010


Phones and Washing Machines II

TJam and GGirl have been messing around with washing machines at work. This is something that you should never do. You should not put mobile phones in, even if it is only pretend. What would happen if it suddenly filled with water?

Tuesday 11 May 2010

Comfy Pillow

The title sums it up nicely.

Monday 10 May 2010

It Wasn't Me

TJam's good friend's son had a birthday and TJam was a bit late in getting his present sorted, much less posted. But she did get something and did wrap it, and things were looking very positive.

TJam went out for an evening, and when she came home, she saw this on the floor:

I can't quite believe it, but as I lay innocently on my bed, TJam seemed to get the idea into her head that I had something to do with that mess on the floor...

and then I realised, I had been set up!

... and someone seems to think I was somehow responsible for this destruction!

Sunday 9 May 2010


TJam has been up to lots of things but been too busy to blog! Honestly, what it that all about?!

One thing that happened was that Bamgee came home and she made TJam a birthday breakfast. Ginger jam on toast with after dinner mints debout. Yum. I was not allowed any.

TJam is also testing a photo taken on her new phone, which will not be going through the washing machine.

Saturday 8 May 2010


Sometimes TJam can be a bit of a muppet. This is photographic proof if ever it were needed.

Wednesday 5 May 2010

Dietary Indiscretion

This is the face of a dog who has committee a dietary indiscretion. Apparently. I don't know what all the fuss is about. My dodgy tummy is long gone!