Monday 28 January 2008


- by Beanz

Ooops I was so proud about our best friend award by Marvin 007 and three quarters, that I forgot to pass it on! What kind of best friend am I?!

Anyway, I would like to award it to the SUMD and Mack the poolovinmutt.

Writings from the Not So Sick Bed

- by Chips

Ooo I do feel much better today. I have wolfed down breakfast, dinner and tea and had a chew stick besides. I tried to persuade TJam that I needed some chips and mushy peas but she was having none of it. Meany.

TJam has been on the phone today to a Co Aww Dinator. She has put my and Beanz's name down to do Pets and Therapy (PAT). That would mean we could go and visit people who aren't allowed to have pets, like people in nursing homes or hospices.

We have to be assessed first. I should think they don't want irreverant happenings to let the charity name down. Or for us to do anything too unexpected on a cardiac ward. We have to take a form to the vet on Friday. That is the first step.

At first, TJam thought I shouldn't mention it in case we don't pass the assessment, but I said, since we have already aired all our dirty laundry in public, we have nothing to lose and at least we will raise the profile of PAT animals. Then TJam reminded me that we do still have a couple of stories (and photos) saved up for a rainy day. It is our gotcha day soon so maybe we will get to air them then.

Carlsberg has not put her name down. Although maybe she should because she is a lot of fun and she has got a lot more friendly since she lived at home. Even if her claws are a lot sharper and need clipping again. Maybe we will get her a harness. She is hours of fun, especially now she has discovered catnip. I will ask her to tell you all about it one day.

Sunday 27 January 2008

Flooding, Monsters and a Poorly Friend

- by Beanz

We have had a busy weekend. We went to Madchenster (that's its spy name) and when we went for a walk this morning, my park was completely flooded! You can see the little bridge over the stream is almost completely under water. I had a good paddle and splash around, but Chips has not been feeling herself so she just had a little drink.
We couldn't walk across the park (I did try but TJam's new wellies sprung a leak and Chips didn't want to) so we went a different way. We found a funny bench with a monster thing at the end. I had a good old bark at it at first but once TJam had balanced a couple of treats on its nose, I didn't mind it so much. I don't really like fake animal model things. Chips was not bothered and she got on the bench and admired the intricate carvings until I was ready to pose.

Chips was feeling a bit better this morning. On Friday she didn't eat her lunch or her tea. That is the first time she has ever been actually poorly (and not in some kind of accident or escapade, too numerous to name here). So even though she is no stranger to the vet's it was odd that we didn't know what was wrong with her. The only time she has ever refused food was when she had secretly eaten half a bag of dried dog food. No one knew so they thought she might have bloat and TJam had to fork out £56 after hours vet care.

Anyway, this time, she had a high temperature so she got some antibiotics and painkillers. They did her good Saturday and Sunday morning, but this evening she didn't eat a chew stick so we are watching her again. She is feeling sorry for herself. I am being good and not getting jealous of her. TJam says I have had my fair share of medical emergencies and I am not to a) catch anything and b) fake anything for the attention. No danger there. I do not want to miss my walk in case they have had a party at the rugby club over the weekend and there is some hoovering up to do. Monday morning is hoovering morning.

Sleep it off Chips. I miss you boxing me and biting my neck when I am trying to nibble your face. It is boring when you just turn away sadly.

Friday 25 January 2008

Words to the Wise

- by Chips

1. If you roll in fox poo, make sure you have just been frontlined (other flea prevention products are available). Then you can't be bathed because it will wash off £5 worth of chemicals.

2. If you are a human and you find out that your supermarket Brand Oven Bottom Muffins are vegan, don't get too excited. They are not the same muffins of your childhood, they are in fact, bread rolls. You can buy some raspberry jam specially, but that will only fool you part way. Bread is bread and muffins are muffins.

Tuesday 22 January 2008


- by Chips
It has been so rainy and horrible that I am cheering myself up with a little remembering of last year's camping trip, when I got time to read my magazine with Bamgee (that's her spy name) out in the sun. Sun. If I think really hard about it I can just about remember what it is like. In this picture, Bamgee is helping me with some of the longer words.

Monday 21 January 2008

Little Venture

- by Carlsberg
I have had a few little jaunts out the back and had a good scratch of the shed thing. Then I had a little sit on the chair. Then I came in. It's cold out there.

Friday 18 January 2008

Rain, Rain Go Away

-by Beanz
Rain. I am not impressed. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind a bit of rain but I don't like still being wet indoors. I am quite bored of the whole rain thing. I don't like wearing a coat cos I can't sit down in it. It feels funny.
I have been prompted to add that we are lucky here and at least we are not flooded. I am a dog. That kind of meta-appreciativeness thing is for humans to be grateful about. (I am glad to be in a warm house though). And TJam is feeling for all those on flood alert.
PS Rain, don't bother coming back for another day any day soon.
PPS Thanks

Thursday 17 January 2008

This is the Life

- by Beanz
Ahhhh luxury.

Wednesday 16 January 2008


- by Carlsberg

The enclosure is up and done! but I haven't got a photo yet. I nipped out briefly a couple of times but it is FREEZING out there, especially since my fur hasn't fully grown back since my surgery. Plus I haven't been out for 6 weeks (apart from my brief break for freedom on Tuesday when I made it half way down the garden before getting overwhelmed and allowing myself to be caught and brought back in) so it's all a bit much for me.
In the meantime, while I was building up my strength, I noticed TJam had left the lid off the dog food. I had a taste, and then a bit more of a taste. It is actually very nice. And there's just so much of it!

Sunday 13 January 2008

Back Porch Activity

- by Chips
There has been a lot of Back Porch Activity today. At first I went out to watch but it was a bit cold so I left TJam's dad out there, doing his thing.

Now that Carlsberg has had two life-threatening abscesses (and numerous other kinds), her wanderings are being curtailed. The humans have begun fencing in the porch, as a temporary measure until we can secure the garden. Then we can have the back door open again, and Carls can get some fresh air. Her stinking litter tray will be better off out there aswell.

Work went on until after dark. This is a serious project.

If I am feeling gangsta, I will pretend that it is a cage to stop drunks throwing bottles at us. Or maybe that it is bulletproof. Then we can sit outside and look well 'ard.

Saturday 12 January 2008

Reservoir Trip

- by Chips
TJam's parents arrived last night and this morning, we went to the reservoir. It was a bit grey but still very beautiful. Here is TJam's mum, whose spy name hasn't been decided yet. She can always get my attention by putting her hands in her pockets. In fact Beanz and I love anyone who puts their hands in their pockets.

Friday 11 January 2008

Spot the Cat IV

- by Carlsberg

I have to thank the great Father Christmas for this great present...

...that has made my fourth "Spot the Cat" feature possible:
(TJam has asked me to add that the house is now looking a lot tidier now that she has finished tidying it with an hour in hand until her parents arrive...)


- by Beanz Ok, so I am not a professional bin-raider. Not in the Chips league. But if Chips and TJam go out and leave me alone with a bin, then this is what they will get. It may only be a pile of rubbish, but it's my pile and it's my rubbish.

Thursday 10 January 2008

A First

- by Beanz
Well, today is a First. I have been given a Best Friends award by Marvin! He is my new online friend. I liked him because he looks like me (or I look like him). Now I like him because he his funny and friendly and kind.

Thank you Marvin. I am honoured!

In other news (because I am not allowed to get bigheaded), TJam is frantically cleaning the house. Her parents are coming to stay this weekend. We have yet to give them spy names. The possibilities are endless but TJam doesn't want to be excommunicated.

By the way, if you want a spy name for use in this blog, leave a comment for what you would like to be known as.

Wednesday 9 January 2008

Tuesday 8 January 2008

Sunday 6 January 2008

Spot the Cat I

- by Carlsberg
In the (fading) spirit of Christmas, I would like to re-launch my "Spot the Cat" feature. Here is my 12th night offering. See if you can spot me.

Happy New Year

- by Beanz Happy New Year to Everyone!

It has been a cold start to the year and I managed a walk on the pond. I couldn't stop sniffing it. It was very exciting.

We have been overhauling the blog too. No more human postings. It's animal only. And we are giving pseudonyms to all our human friends to avoid identity fraud. And because it's much more exciting and gangsta that way.

TJam (as she will now be known) would have liked to be a spy, if she had been clever enough. Unfortunately she is not. Well, fortunately for us, because otherwise she would be off, saving the world, when there are more important things closer to home, like feeding US.

Anyway, at the risk of repeating myself, happy new year to everyone.

(And kudos to all of us who managed to sleep in the humans' bedroom on the pretext of being scared of New Year Fireworks. Worked like a charm)