Saturday 20 September 2008

Not As It Seems

- by Carlsberg

You might think from this picture that I am lounging around (note the SUN, that is a bright yellow ball in the sky that we see twice a year) on a beautifully cultivated lawn...

but in fact...

TJam has built me the tiniest litter tray of grass for me to eat and use as I see fit.

I suppose it's better than nothing although it wouldn't do for me to grow any more.

PS It was my gotcha day on Monday and there was a distinct lack of celebrating. I am 6.

Friday 19 September 2008

A Time and a Place

- by Beanz

Is the vet'nery surgery a place for comedy?

Today I had to go the V. E. T. to a certain intimate procedure. Think sacs. Think anal.

So, I was in the waiting room, and my v. e. t. Alex (there now Alex, you're named and shamed) thought it was funny to come into the waiting room, call my name and ping his rubber glove on his upheld hand.

How the humans laughed.

Revenge is best served cold.

Monday 15 September 2008

Go APE!!!

- by Chips
Look what they are building where we go walking...
It is GO APE!
TJam is excited about the prospect of swinging through the trees (and doing a Tarzan ahhhh-eee--ahhh-eee-ahhhhhhh-eee-ah-eee-ahhhhhhhhh)
and I am excited that the workmen keep leaving their butties out on a tree stump and since they are up the trees, working, they can't get at me to stop me eating them until it is too late. and they don't learn to to leave their lunch out. And they just put a flimsy piece of tape out that says, "Keep Out" in human writing that I pretend I can't read. Yay!

Thursday 11 September 2008

Little Help from my Friends?

- by TJam

Not sure if you can help me out, but my alarm has just gone off to remind me to do something. Problem is, it says, "Feed Pin's fish" and that was last week and now I don't know what I am supposed to be doing. I definitely set it for today at 5pm.

Any ideas?

PS why does the snooze function go off after 9 minutes? Is that to please the people who like odd numbers? Square numbers?

Tuesday 9 September 2008


- by Chips

Why does everyone assume that it was me that raided the recycling?

Sunday 7 September 2008

Water Water Everywhere

- by Beanz

I am told we are lucky that we are not on a flood warning, like lots of other people.

I like water (as long as it doesn't come above my elbows) so I was excited that on our walk today, this was our path... And this was the football pitch...
...and the tennis courts...
...and I had a little paddle in the basketball court...

Then, we went to one of my favourite fields and I had a little paddle there too.
The humans say we have had a month's rainfall in a day or something.
We are lucky that round here it is still fun.
I will enjoy it while I can.
TJam is sick of it. She hasn't got any dry clothes.
But we do have a dry house.
PS TJam saw an enormous deer today, but by the time I scented it, she had put me on the lead.

Wednesday 3 September 2008

Delayed Gratification (or not)

- by Chips

If, while your owner is out, you break open the special (and delicious) "won't break up in your pocket" treats that have been saved for rewards for your Pets as Therapy visit, then you won't have any nice treats for doing Pets As Therapy.

You have been warned.

Do not ask me how I know this. It will only upset me.