Welcome to Bin-raiders of the lost (B)ark.
We are Beanz and Carlsberg, a dog and a cat living in The Tip with our humans. We tip a nod to our loyal contributor and friend Chips, who will live on in our memories for her spectacular adventures.
We are all superb rescue animals of Heinz variety, enjoying our 2nd chance to the full.
Beanz likes sunbathing and chasing rabbits, while Carlsberg prefers mushroom pate on toast.
Sunday, 31 December 2006
Index 2006
In April, ducks took up residence outside our house and Beanz got her Kennel Club bronze citizen award. In May, TJam and Bamgee had a party, we all went to visit Noisette and Carlsberg threw a worm up on the carpet (no photos!). In June we got a new allotment, Mrs Chilled and Mr Chilled got married, Noisette got her PhD, Carlsberg wandered and then got an abscess and Chips got her Kennel Club Bronze citizen award.
July was dominated by the cat. Radical action was taken for her abscess then she escaped and then went awol. JoeyM got married. I didn't write anything for August, but we went camping in Anglesey. In September we went to a garden party.
In October TJam went to the States and in November, a Barn owl sat on her shoulder. We went to Cazza's 40th birthday celebrations and Jean Michel came to stay. In December we had fabulous Christmas celebrations.
Thursday, 28 December 2006
M6 Toll
Today we made good use of the M6 Toll, while we could still get it for £3.50. It will be £4 as of 1st Jan, but it is a small price to pay to avoid serious head injury and motion sickness.
Wednesday, 27 December 2006
Monday, 25 December 2006
Merry Christmas
Here is a picture you won't see very often. All the human family sat around the table. It was taken shortly before TJam's brother nearly joined the horrific statistics of the 3 people per year who lose an eye by champagne cork. As it was, he got away with minor bruising and wetness.
We've had a fabulous Christmas. Us animals got loads of presents that we would like to eat straight away, but which the humans are rationing. Meanwhile, they are stuffing their faces.
Luckily, the decoration project of the house hasn't moved on, so we are all sleeping downstairs. Beanz and I are making the most of diving under the covers and sleeping comfortably with TJam.
Sunday, 24 December 2006
Rolling - by Chips
Today has been a day for having a bath. I do not love having a bath.
Friday, 22 December 2006
Merry Alternative Christmas!
Thursday, 21 December 2006
Old Friend
So Anna, if you're reading this, please email me so I can write to you! I miss you and I think of you often. And congratulations on your life and beautiful children :)
Monday, 18 December 2006
These are Muckboots and we have to say, they are like walking on air, apparently. They are also safe from -20 to +75 degrees but we hope TJam never has to test them. I hope they go better than the muddies that she wore through in 3 months and had to be replaced after 6. Unfortunately she left them in a pub near Shrewsbury where they went missing. Good luck to the people who took them. I'd say they had a few weeks left in them. They also didn't have any kind of sole. These new ones have proper soles so TJam won't slip over in the mud. Well, hopefully not.
We are now going out to christen them. They are the best boots TJam has ever had so far.
The first she knew of this was when she got a face full of fur after her lovely shower. Our apologies to the cleaners at the pool, especially around the shower and drying area. TJam did her best to remove most of the black dog hairs that fell onto the floor. Without sharing too much information, suffice to say that her whole body looks like she needs a shave and her clothes are feeling very itchy all over.
Saturday, 16 December 2006
Mystery Benefactor
I hope it is not my agenda for change backpay.
Friday, 15 December 2006
Funny or Mortifying?
After 5 minutes of filming, the video guy said to her, "Do you want to nip to the bathroom and sort your hair out?"
Being a believer that it is what's on the inside that counts, and having been raised to believe that vanity is the worst of sins, TJam said it was ok. It was hard to stick to her principles when clearly she looked rough as ... something very rough.
He said, "OK then, but this is for posterity you know"
TJam thought it was funny, but when she's told people, they have been mortified on her behalf. She still thinks it is funny.
Children Disappointed Worldwide
I know this because his 10 foot inflatable remains are lying in my next-door-but-one neighbours' garden.
I might invest in a puncture repair kit.
TJam thought it might go nicely in the dishwasher to get cleaned.
We now have a half size, unshapely pile of plastic. Think big, see through clay coil-pot shape (the kind you made when you were 5 years old). TJam thinks we don't know. But we do.
Saturday, 9 December 2006
Eating Raw - by Chips
We went to Rivington today. I found a dead sheep and ate its leg. TJam couldn't get anywere near me. I just kept running and crunching til I'd finished it.
I have been fine since. I consider it being proactive. The more times I eat raw and am fine, the more evidence for our case of decent and varied food, not a bowl of dried kibble. Victoria Stillwell from "It's me or the dog" says that dogs should have variation so they don't get bored.
So TJam, LISTEN UP! Remember the time Beanz and I ate the hare? WE WERE FINE! Remember that squirrel? FINE. The thing that looked like a human foot? Fine. (Well, I was fine, Beanz threw hers up at the vet after she got spayed and they kept it in a see through plastic bag to shame you when you went to pick her up.) But all in all, we eat carcusses and are fine. Please give us more carcasses.
Wednesday, 6 December 2006
Good Trains
We must commend Virgin for their flexible handling of the situation. They let TJam get on the next train, even though she had paid for a reserved seat. That's not the kind of service she was expecting. So instead of, "you missed it. You'll have to buy another ticket", it was, "You can get the next train instead". Wow. It's a long time since she wrote (or even thought) anything nice about train travel. Maybe things have taken a turn for the better. Anyway, credit to Virgin.
Friday, 1 December 2006
What's worse than...
Mrs Chilled and TJam shared a room for the while volunteering at the weekend. As they were just about to go to bed, there was a shriek, and there, between Mrs Chilled's 2 pillows, was a faded pink, flowery, nylon nightie that smelt of an elderly woman.
She phoned down and they delivered clean sheets.
Organised Friends
Thursday, 30 November 2006
Words to the Wise
1. Put on enough milk
2. Don't sneeze
When you buy a new towel:
Wash it before you use it (unless you want to be covered in towel flavoured fluff)
When drinking coffee in a meeting with your manager:
Don't hold it by slipping your thumb through the handle or it might slip and spill all over you.
Please add on you little tips in the comments box. They must have been learnt through bitter experience.
Wednesday, 29 November 2006
Life's Disappointments
Yesterday I spent all day looking forward to "It's me or the Dog" only to be greeted by "How Clean is your House?" This morning I discovered the reason why.
The only consolation was that there was a Monk on that I have never seen before.
So the evening was not all bad.
Tuesday, 28 November 2006
Cat bite (yet again)
Monday, 27 November 2006
Barn Owl
I remembered the book, "Plop, the Owl who was afraid of the Dark"
Wow. Owls are amazing.
Saturday, 25 November 2006
Sign of the Times
On Saturday afternoon, we went to Bishop's Castle for the Lights Festival. It was all very traditional, with a Santa's Grotto, street stalls and a roasting hog.
As the children huddled around a Punch and Judy show, we marvelled at how youngsters don't really need technology and computer graphics to enjoy themselves; that they can still be held, awestruck, by ugly puppets and a funny voice. (Of course, there was a disclaimer before the show, that only Mr Punch is allowed to hit people with a stick, because he is only being funny, but we all know that it is wrong to hit people with sticks, don't we boys and girls?)
Our marvelling didn't last long. Mr Punch didn't get to lay a finger on Judy. The sausages had to be retrieved from the hands of a young boy, a gang of 4-8 year olds started jumping up at the booth to get a touch of Mr Punch and one boy started hitting it with a christmas tree branch. Mr Punch and Judy called off the show.
Happy pre-birthday Cazza
Wednesday, 22 November 2006
Visitors and windscreens
This picture was taken before said windscreen wiper came half off on the M60 at night in the rain.
This picture was taken before TJam discovered a crack on the windscreen. Before JM said that it certainly and categorically wasn't there the night before, and that "something bizarre" must have happened.
This picture was taken when TJam was still smiling about it. It was certainly a lot funnier before she had to fork out seventy five quid to replace the whole windscreen, which, incidentally, now is part of the structure of a vehicle.
And apparently, it remains a mystery how the screen got cracked. To me, it seems a lot easier to solve than the peanuts and raisins incident but no one is admitting responsibility.
Friday, 17 November 2006
By this morning I had prepared her proof. She set to with the mop and bucket, muttering that if she had wanted to see things like this she would have worked in a chocolate peanut brittle factory. But she will never know how I got the lid off and back on again. And neither will you.
Thursday, 16 November 2006
Happy Halloween
Washing collars
Tuesday, 14 November 2006
Sunday, 12 November 2006
New look Blog
Speaking of food, Bamgee brought my a pouch of food from Russia. I have no idea what it said on the packet, but I gamely got stuck in and ate the whole thing, and no ill effects yet.
Anyway, let TJam know what you think of the new look. You can now COMMENT on posts. Hooray. And TJam will work on the photo thing. And then she is going to put a password on the old posts so you can only read the archives if you know her. She is getting paranoid about how much stuff is on here.
Friday, 10 November 2006
Animals in on the Act
Exotic Town
Clearly exotic pet shops are vital. In one central parade of shops today, it went:
Launderette, Off Licence, Mr Chan's Chinese Takeaway, Pizza Shop, Bookmakers, Sweet Shop, Exotic Pet Shop (tortoises, reptiles, parrots...). The greengrocers has closed down. It's interesting where priorities lie, especially in the high-rise part of town.
In other news, we met Lynda, clicker lady today, who said the dogs have come on. And so have I. So that's good news :)
Thursday, 9 November 2006
New Neighbours
We were very sorry to say goodbye to Gaz, Karen and bernes. They were good neighbours, and we will miss them. They haven't taken their trampoline with them yet. I expect they will come back to pick it up, but there is still time for me to sneak into the garden under the cover of darkness and have a little bounce.
Monday, 6 November 2006
Cover me Down the Chippy
There was a police car on the corner outside. I went in and joined the queue for chips (there's always a healthy queue at an Our Town chippy).
There was a child in the queue, who went to stand by the door, at which point the owner advised the child not to go outside as there was a "gunman in the area". Police had done a door to door to make sure there were no children in the street and had been parked up on the corner all afternoon. Clearly it is acceptable for adults to get shot.
So I paid for my chips, shouted,"Cover me!" and did a Cagney and Lacey run back to the van. Actually, I just made that last part up. I just paid for my chips and came home, and Noisette came for tea.
Friday, 3 November 2006
Trying something new
New month, new start.
Those of you who were disappointed with my lack of phototaking at the last "worm in cat vomit" incident will be glad to know that I was on the ball on the most recent occassion, and i will share it with you as soon as I can work out the technology... Brace yourselves.
Meanwhile, I am sitting here with the tv on and a CD to try and mask any firework noises.
Tuesday, 10 October 2006
Lucky Escape

Today, TJam was amusing herself before her flight home, and she sat down in a lovely park. The above police car drove along the path and slowed down.
TJam: *waves back*
Officer of the Law: How are you?
TJam: Good (see how she picked up the lingo in under a week), thank you (ever polite)
Officer of the Law: *gets out of car and walks towards TJam*
TJam: Am I doing wrong?
Officer of the Law: (thoughtfully) I don't ..... thiiiiiiiiiink so.... You're wearing a blue shirt, not a green shirt.
TJam: Oh good
TJam: You too (she's so gangsta)
Officer of the Law: *Drives off*
TJam: *doesn't have to accompany said officer to the station. Or produce any papers. Which was a blessing as she didn't have any on her*
The end.
Monday, 9 October 2006
Halloween American Style

Sunday, 8 October 2006
Monday, 2 October 2006
Chips v. Catfood
Saturday, 30 September 2006
MP3 Player
Tuesday, 19 September 2006
Computer Up and Running
Anyway, it seems that yet again, our attempt at an August blog has been foiled. Aug 2005 looks like it's never going to happen, so we'll have a go with Aug 2006, but if it doesn't appear by November, don't go looking for it.
Wednesday, 13 September 2006
Dear Slug
Saturday, 9 September 2006
Garden Party

Monday, 4 September 2006
Country Smells
Monday, 31 July 2006
Summary of July
Thursday, 27 July 2006
2 pouches and half a dish of dried food later, examination revealed her wounds to be healed and her to be in general good health. She was just a bit wide eyed, jumpy and very very very hungry.
We will never know whether she intended to come home or not, or whether she just got disorientated and decided to stay where she knew she was surviving. there are a million other possibilities
She has slept on the landing all night and is calmer this morning. She asked for food at 2am and again this morning (some things never change).
Nicole (our vet), your work wasn't in vain and to our neighbours, thank you for your informative phone calls that lead to this recovery.
End of this installment (I hope).
In other news, Bamgee is having building work done on her house, and Dr Noisette came round and we had a lovely afternoon.
Tuesday, 25 July 2006
Monday, 17 July 2006
Wild Week
Saturday, 8 July 2006
On the Mend
Friday, 7 July 2006
Drain is Out
Wednesday, 5 July 2006
Tuesday, 4 July 2006
9 Lives
TJam went off to work and came home at lunch to check on us. She went up to see Carls, but there was no cat there. She looked under the beds, in the cupboards, behind the door... there are only so many places a cat with a buster collar on can hide. No cat. In disbelief, she looked in the garden. No cat. She kept saying, "She MUST be upstairs. She CAN'T have got out. She treble checked and quadrupal checked but no cat.
Finally, she put our collars and leads on. We needed to go out anyway, as I had broken into our holiday supply of dried food. We led TJam down a different path from usual. We walked behind the houses and past a sports car. Beanz got down and started sniffing. TJam had a look under, but she couldn't see anything and pulled us on. Beanz lay on the floor and started wagging her tail and sniffing hard. TJam double checked, and there, right under all the bodywork, was our frightened little cat with her buster collar sprung open.
TJam phoned Pin who came to help. TJam pulled Carls out from under the car and then wrestled her back to the house. Carlsberg did not want to be carried but she had to come home.
She is now sulking upstairs and has a bleeding foot on top of everything else. So she is off to the vet's in a minute for some pain relief and a check over. She was not supposed to jump over the fence 24 hours after surgery so she will probably get a talking to. Or TJam will.
Updated 8pm - the cuts on Carls's paws were from where she HAD BEEN ATTACKED while going outside. The wounds would have become abscesses but for the fact she is already on that many antibiotics. So she had a painkilling injection and came home and is already looking much more spritely. We are optimistic.
Beanz is the queen. She quite possibly saved Carlsberg's life. We are so happy.
Comfortable Night
TJam has now also learnt how to spell abscess. It's from her hours trawling the internet to look up normal cat respiration rates in her over anxious state at midnight last night after Carls tried to jump off the bed.
All is much brighter this morning, and a big thank you to all our friends who have mailed, texted and phoned. We appreciate it.
Monday, 3 July 2006
Abscess Revisited - with style
1pm - the vet has just phoned. It was not a pellet, but huge abscess that stretches from her back, all the way around to her groin. She will need a drain. She can come home tonight.
Evening: this is what she looks like now and we have never seen anything so pathetic.
TJam made her a comfy bed, but Carlsberg got up and balanced herself on the cardboard box and fell asleep and that is where TJam has left her. She isn't allowed to be around us dogs because we will try and lick her wounds and we're not allowed.
Carlsberg has to go back to the vet on Wednesday.
Abscess Revisited - with style
1pm - the vet has just phoned. It was not a pellet, but huge abscess that stretches from her back, all the way around to her groin. She will need a drain. She can come home tonight.
Evening: this is what she looks like now and we have never seen anything so pathetic.
TJam made her a comfy bed, but Carlsberg got up and balanced herself on the cardboard box and fell asleep and that is where TJam has left her. She isn't allowed to be around us dogs because we will try and lick her wounds and we're not allowed.
Carlsberg has to go back to the vet on Wednesday.
Saturday, 1 July 2006
Wedding Congratulations
Friday, 30 June 2006
Thank Goodness for Insurance
Wednesday, 28 June 2006
The vet said I was probably involved in a fight, and from the location of the wound, I was running away. Chips has said she will give me some lessons in self defence.
£41 later and I am injected and armed with a course of antibiotics.
Thursday, 22 June 2006
Go Chips!!
You know as well as I do that if you have a pouch in the morning, you start patting my face at 5am to ask for your breakfast. And you can forget it cos it ain't gonna happen. I must confess to being suspicious. How comes you have just come and sat on my knee AGAIN? Are you even the real Carlsberg or an imposter? I will ask the vet to check your microchip when you go for your next booster.
Anyway, we have more important news now. After 4 years of work, and times of despair, Chips has got her bronze Citizen Award from the Kennel Club. Perhaps I will carry her rosette around in my bumbag so if she gets in a scrap I can whip it out, wave it around and blame the other dog. A special thank you to Gayle, Derrick and Karen who let her into the quieter class even though she wasn't qualified, and who let us work at Chips's pace so she could calm down and chill and, and dare I say it, enjoy herself in class.
Lots of love
Wednesday, 21 June 2006
Reply to Letter
Firstly, I have to say that I was coming home anyway, and your letter didn't make a bit of difference. I am a cat and I will do as I please, as is my feline way.
Please do not think, however, that I am not aware that you are thinking of selling up and leaving the rat race to go and live on a narrow boat. As you well know, boats do not suit cats. You had better stick to your promise that you will not leave until I give sign or signal that it is ok. And please do not think that you will be able to hasten my departure.
PS What about a pouch of catfood in the morning as well as the evening?
Tuesday, 20 June 2006
Whilst out walking, I dived gleefully into some long grass. TJam smelt me as I came out carrying a decomposing rabbit carcus seething and dripping with maggots. It was a wrestle to prize it from me clamped jaws, but the adrenaline rush helped her no end. And the sorry thing about all this, was that TJam's first thought was, "I haven't got my camera!" What does that say about her?
Monday, 19 June 2006
I am sorry we left you for the weekend and went down to London. I was careful to leave out your favourite food and to make sure someone checked on you (even though the key wouldn't work and they couldn't get into the house). I feel you are overreacting by not coming home. I haven't seen you for 5 days and I am starting to worry, even though I know you pull this 7 day stunt every summer. How am I supposed to know if you are out on an expedition or if you are locked in someone's shed and need rescuing?
It's raining now, so why don't we call it a truce and you can come home, have a pouch of food and we will all be winners. Huh? Waddaya say?
Lots of love
Thursday, 15 June 2006
Sunday, 11 June 2006
Saturday, 3 June 2006
Walking Day
Friday, 2 June 2006
Allotment Relaunched
Meanwhile, I have been enjoying the mattress. Very nice. Very nice indeed. Keep up the payments TJam.
Thursday, 1 June 2006
Good Night's Sleep
Friday, 26 May 2006
TJam can now count herself amongst the distinguished few who don't need to use "Google"..."images"..."search"... if she wants to know exactly what a whole tapeworm looks like when it has been vomited onto the carpet from the belly of a cat. When do we get to celebrate?
Wednesday, 24 May 2006
The Noisettes
Tuesday, 16 May 2006
Lovely Walk
Friday, 12 May 2006
Dirty Stopout
Saturday, 6 May 2006
Mystery Benefactor
Wednesday, 3 May 2006
Yoga and Rabbit
Saturday, 22 April 2006
Bronze Citizen
7pm: looks like Beanz used up all her Bronze Citizen behaviour at her bronze citizen exam. Tjam's mother was right when she told us pride comes before a fall. She (Beanz, not TJam's mother) has barked at a jogger, 3 horses, 3 boys playing in the stream, 2 girls walking down a path and one unknown monster. That will stop TJam getting above herself. Beanz: profilaxis for arrogance. I guess profilaxis is one of those words TJam can say but has no idea how to spell. That and trayps. Ok ok, there are a few.
Wednesday, 19 April 2006
BB for Noisette
Today our new friend Noisette came for the afternoon. She said us dogs were on urr BB. That's "best behaviour" for the uninitiated. Which, of course, makes TJam out to be a liar when she tells terrible tales, but she'd rather be a liar with BB dogs, than telling the truth about the ASBO brigade, especially when new friends are concerned.
It puts me in mind of a time when TJam was making a new friend, Thistle, and we went to the beach for the first time. Beanz went behind some public toilets and ate something that I can't tell you here, suffice to say someone mustn't have had their 5p to hand. About 10 minutes from home TJam tried to casually disguise a terrible smell by opening the window, but there was no diguising this smell. Beanz had puked up her treasure down the side of the back seat of the new car (with our new friend in).
Anyway, end hazy memory sequence and back to the present day. Noisette came for a walk with us and it was all very nice. Note to TJam: don't try to cook when new friends come to tea. Or at least, make sure you have some form of ingredients in the house before they arrive, or they will be obliged to smile and say, "yum" when eating some mushrooms, kidney beans and a green pepper.
Monday, 17 April 2006
Authentic Cat Treats

Wednesday, 5 April 2006
More on Ducks and Rabbits
There is good news on the allotment front but you'll have to read about that another day. Now we must all go to bed.
Tuesday, 4 April 2006
Mr and Mrs Duck
Instead of a photo, there is now empty space. Mr and Mrs Duck must have wandered onto the main road and are now together in ducky heaven. TJam and Bamgee are both gutted. Of course TJam is a sucker for any animal but the depth of Bamgee's reaction has come of something a surprise. We must be winning her over.
TJam couldn't help thinking it was a waste for two such fine specimins to lay on the highway and get flatter and flatter and she did think about experimenting with a raw food diet for the dogs for a couple of days. The plan only went on hold when TJam realised she would have to do some kind of plucking, and that, should another couple of ducks set up home there next year, that she might have a harder time convincing us dogs that dried duck and rice kibble are better than the real thing.
Sunday, 26 March 2006
Rod for her Own Back
After a week of ignoring her, TJam managed to convince Carlsberg that she is not going to get up at 5am to feed her a pouch, no matter how much the cat purrs on TJam's head or taps at her face. TJam did relent though, and Carlsberg and TJam now seem to have compromised on one third of a pouch at tea time.
Tuesday, 21 March 2006
Norovirus Part II
Sunday, 19 March 2006
Thursday, 16 March 2006
Monday, 13 March 2006
Norovirus visits (and snow)
On a happier note, we have had snow! And yes, if you look carefully at the photo, it IS showing two wild dogs ripping the flesh from a recently deceased hare. Of course, they are not TJAM'S dogs, they are a genuine wild breed, native to the UK. The fact that they seem to be wearing fluorescent collars is a mere trick of the light. Heh Heh.
Friday, 10 March 2006
Safety First
Today TJam went to Crufts. Look at the bright new leads we got. No one had better run us over now! TJam also got new wellies. Luckily, her others split on Monday so she decided to treat herself and get a neoprene pair. They are so gorgeous and warm. She will report back whether they are worth an extra thirty squids to normal wellies.
Monday, 27 February 2006
Life int' North
Saturday, 18 February 2006
Thursday, 16 February 2006
Wednesday, 15 February 2006
Tuesday, 14 February 2006
Cannot Tell a Lie
Monday, 13 February 2006
Meanwhile, TJam is going to have a LOT of explaining to do when she next visits the Buddhist Centre. Tonight, she has killed some slugs and snails. She has put it off for a long time, but she said something about kill just a couple (haha, call that a couple) now and save having to kill off hundreds later. They are eating the whole garden and we are going to have to grow veg there this year. So I say, be like a dog. Kill EVERYTHING IN SIGHT and don't bother with a guilty conscience. You have a lot to learn from us dogs.
Friday, 10 February 2006
It is with regret that TJam has made her decision to retire from her allotment. We hadn't been for a couple of months, and when we went down there today, the fence has been broken down in 2 places, the locked door forced open, the wheelbarrow and state of the art spade stolen, and people had had a massive bonfire, burnt a bike, broken some glass and taken drugs on our patch. Since we don't feel safe there and TJam doesn't have the skill or inclination to build a secure fence to keep intruders out, we will be retiring from the allotment until such a time as we can find one that doesn't need an alarm system.