Saturday 30 October 2010

Who Ya Gonna Call?

If you've dropped something
In a muddy puddle,
Who ya gonna call?
Our helpful little friend TABOO!

Wednesday 27 October 2010

Ornamental Cabbage

When TJam came home from work, there was something very wrong (see exhibit 1). I played dead so she would know it wasn't me...

Exhibit I

TJam said, "Oops, did you knock that over with your tail? I should have remembered to put it back up on the side out of your way!" (at least, that's how I remember it. Or she may have gone, "(*&^% what are they doing on the floor?! but I prefer my version best)

So I pulled my best, "Oops, it's just one of those things right? not a problem?" face... (exhibit II)

Exhibit II

However, on closer inspection (exhibit III), it became apparent that the ornamental cabbages had not only "fallen over", but had most definitely been chewed up. There is only one possible culprit and (thanks to regular video evidence) it is not me.

Exhibit III
So, not only am I innocent, but Chips is very very guilty. Which puts me even higher up the "who's a good dog" scale than she is! Yay!

Thursday 21 October 2010

Quiet Reflection (or not)

We have had a brilliant walk this week. We set off with Nero and his pal (Nerospal)...

I had a little stop off in the lagoon. I imagined it was orange sauce.

Next I perfected my Indianna Jones and the Bin Raiders pose. I might ask TJam if we can have it as our header. I just need a proper hat.

We went right up to the top of the hill. Suddenly I noticed Nero and his Pal were having some thoughtful time alone:

I wasn't having any of that, so I bundled in for a bit of fun and games. Chips had the same idea at the same time.

That said, I do like a bit of quiet time myself, so I took myself off to a corner to survey the landscape (and check for sheep) and reflect on ...

... well, that's private. A dog has to maintain a certain air of mystery :)

Tuesday 19 October 2010

Yawning at Art

TJam saw this tractor doing its work, and got all arty and carried away with texture or somesuch. She likes to zoom in on this and look at the contrast of the pre and post plough. Me, I like to imagine the taste of it when they fertilise it and Beanz and I will run all over it, eating muck and being chased by TJam, who has no chance of catching us.

Then TJam got a shot of Beanz and was lining up a reflection or whatever.

She has been watching too much TV and a photo of me is conspicuous by its absence.

Monday 18 October 2010

Kindle Orphans

Us animals are becoming Kindle orphans: Bready, Bamgee and Unliz are all hooked!
(note to Brazil - a Kindle is like a computer that holds all your books, just in case you were wondering)

but it's ok because I chewed up Bready's adapter plug.
Dogs 1 : Humans 1
That'll teach TJam not to ponder the fact that I haven't chewed anything for a while.

Welcome home from wherever you went.
I will only half hide my handy work with this enormous squeaky toy.
And do not leave us alone again...

Sunday 17 October 2010

Beach Trip

We have had to battle TJam to get access to the computer so we are going to try and catch up slowly with all our thrilling adventures. (I can get away with saying that because of poetic license).

Our first adventure was going to the beach. Beanz got the feel of sand under her toes and thought she had turned into a greyhound or something. She ran rings round Bamgee. She was like the wind!

Next, the humans tried to get all artistic and represent themselves in sand art.
I enhanced TJam's picture by scratching her eye out.
Nice touch.

Bet you couldn't even tell which was the sand art and which was the real picture.

At the end of the day, I posed for the camera and TJam went on that big roller coaster in the background. She loved it although she might have a mild case of whiplash. She says it was worth it.

Finally, we had a bag of chips (with a small c, we did not eat me) and drove through the illuminations. TJam and Bamgee did not take photos- they were too busy listening to their Christmas CD and going "ooooooooooooo" at the lights. Beanz and I snored our way through it. It was very boring for dogs.

Sunday 10 October 2010


And here is our new friend, Kip! He is a stunt double for Spit The Dog!


We are in a field waiting to meet a new friend ...

Tuesday 5 October 2010


Today TJam and GingerTed left us dogs in the miserable British weather and headed off to the States. They have apparently arrived safely with their host.