Tuesday 6 February 2007

All nighter

Since we have an apt photo below of the bathroom in the floor, you don't need to use your imagination to know where I spent most of last night after a run-in with a nasty little stomach virus, generously shared by the kids from school I should think. My stint was broken by Beanz deciding she needed to go out in the garden. With careful timing and judgement I managed to time the garden run and still make it back to sit on the bathroom floor once again.

Having been raised on the motto, "if you can stand you can go to school" I sometimes find it hard to judge if I am ill enough to stay home. But not today. This one was a no-brainer.

You may wonder how comes I am well enough to blog. Well, I wouldn't have, but that I needed to get a phone number off the computer and then I thought I would share my tale of woe before I go back to bed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh dear, poor you. I'm hoping you will feel a lot lot better tomorrow. I just hope no-one gets you up tonight, or worse still, has a tummy bug as well.