Welcome to Bin-raiders of the lost (B)ark.
We are Beanz and Carlsberg, a dog and a cat living in The Tip with our humans. We tip a nod to our loyal contributor and friend Chips, who will live on in our memories for her spectacular adventures.
We are all superb rescue animals of Heinz variety, enjoying our 2nd chance to the full.
Beanz likes sunbathing and chasing rabbits, while Carlsberg prefers mushroom pate on toast.
Friday, 28 August 2009
King of the Castle
I am officially King (or Queen actually) of my castle. TJam took it apart and reassembled shorter and on top of the cupboard. I LOVE my hammock 8' high. It is GREAT.
Now Chips can't climb up and try to eat my food. It was getting boring.
I think that is a perfect place for a kitty!
sorry Kitty, but I have had a bad CAT experience...........but your new place is wonderful.
And so safe.
Speaking as a dog who like to chase cats.......
keep safe, sorry I am late in commenting
your friend, Marv xxxx
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