Monday, 21 September 2009

Being 8

The best bit about being 8 is that no one suspects anything if you ask to nip out into the garden and that gives you plenty of time to trash stuff before anyone comes looking for you. Roaching and pulling a wild 'I couldn't help myself' yet cute face should do the trick. Failing that, run for it.


Marvin said...

oh my, are congrats in order? Was it your barkday, or are you just celebrating being eight all year, kinda thing?

Well, if it was your barkday, Happy Barkday, if it wasn't, good trashing, roaching and general mayhem, and face pulling!!

It's a grand life isn't it?

lotsaluv, Marvin xxxx

Beanz said...

now you come to mention it Marvin, I think it was my barkday. I must have been born in September 2001.

Life is very grand, isn't it :)


Drab said...

Did Carlsberg finally move or did you just 'roach' all over her?

Plenty of chewing left to go on that stick!

Beanz said...

hahaa good point Julie. I didn't check, but I'm sure there would have been more noise if the cat had still been on the grass.

And now, back to chewing my stick. I have work to do!

Good to see you :)