Monday, 29 June 2009

Photography Tips

On Sunday, we went for a lovely walk on the moors with Huddersfield Town and Pin. Beanz was a bit distracted by the sheep, but all in all, there were no mishaps. I won't mention Saturday when TJam fell off the fence as she was trying to get into the nature reserve to get us out of the used barbeque in the nature reserve... Sadly, no one had a camera running, so that's another £250 that has passed us by. Anyway, back to the roundup. Here we are at the summit.

On Sunday, TJam did quite a bit of admiring of her tomatoes. It is a miracle that she has kept them alive all this time. We are all eyeing them up because we all love tomatoes and they are just my height. Whoever can stand them the greenest will be conquerer!

Now for the photography tip.

If you fanny about setting your camera to macro to take a close up photo of a tomato, be sure to set it back from whence it came, otherwise your beautiful and sunny distance shots will look like this:

Do not adjust your eyes or book yourself in at the optitians.

At best, you will get a close up of the grass and a blurry black face in the background.

Of course there is always the exception to prove the rule. This is the only half decent picture we have from about 20 taken this evening on the most beautiful light and sunny walk. TJam is still learning to get a level horizon. It's getting better, but obviously, room for improvement.


Mack said...

Mom has done that many a time too!

Anonymous said...

I think the winner of the green tomato eating competition will also be the winner of the "losing the most weight on the kitchen floor" competition (if you know what I mean!) DG

Marvin said...

Well, I think your photos are particularly beautiful, macro or not!

My Jeannie struggles sometimes because she hasn't switched the camera on when she spots something good to photograph!

I like the last photo very much, very peaceful and cooling. Well I like them all to be honest, even the squinty one! ;0D

I have never snaffled a tomato, and my Jeannie doesn't like them, but my human bruvs and my dad scoff them all the time.

lotsaluv, Marvin xxxxx

Chips said...

Chipss: Mack, glad we are not the only ones :)

DG: you are so right. Can you predict the lottery with similar accuracy?

Marvin: thank you :) Humans eh. Guess opposable thumbs are not all you need for genius status. I recommend you try a tommato, but start with half a ripe one. They're delicious!