Monday 15 October 2007

Post weekend

-by Beanz

Photo not approved.

I love it after the weekend, when all those rugby fans and weekend walkers come into my world of long grass and woods. I love it when they enjoy the pleasures of, ahem, having a poo al fresco. There is nothing as liberating.

I love following the scent and eating as much of it as possible. I enjoy the thrill of the chase as TJam runs up screaming behind me but never catches me. I laugh as she cries, "Come here, there's a good girl, I'm not cross with you" because body language doesn't lie and I am not stupid.

I do not like having my face wiped with long wet grass. I do not like walking on the lead when there is so much fun to be had.

I wish Harry Hill was there to say, "dirty boy" and make TJam laugh about it. She doesn't think it is funny at all.


Badger said...

Sounds rubbish :(

... and I feel a little bit sick. hee.

Badger x

Beanz said...

I'm not impartial to a bit of sick either :)

TJam said...

Beanz. You shared too much.

and you are disgusting.

Anonymous said...

That girl has no sense of humour.She's just poo-ist!

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

oh my, you sound as if you had an exciting weekend!