Monday, 26 November 2007

Carlsberg Update 2

- by TJam

Long term fans (hahahhaa) of will remember the incident when we thought Carlsberg had been shot, but in fact, she had a terrible abscess (and then went missing and Beanz found her under a car etc etc).

I have just got off the phone from the vet. It seems that our Carlsberg was not hit by a car at all, but has (you guessed it) a massive abscess. Another bite to the back and gravity took its toll. She has drains in and they will phone me tomorrow to give me an update. If they can beat the infection, things are looking a lot more hopeful. I might start writing my Christmas cards afterall.
I am thinking about caging in our back garden. I'm not sure I can go through this again. At least not until next door's ginger tom has moved on.

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