Sunday 4 November 2007

Fathers' Fist Fight

- by Beanz

Today, as we were out for our walk, we went past the Sunday morning lads' football match. And as we walked past, one of the fathers* (possibly also a linesman but we arrived too late to see what he was doing before the incident) dealt one of the other fathers serveral blows to the head.

This was all we saw because they were then surrounded by lots of wives** screaming, "STOP!" and to the soundtrack of coaches and refs bellowing, "Come AWAY lads."

What an excellent example to set to your sons on a Sunday morning. After all, it's all in the sportsmanship and all that really matters is a good clean game. How lucky that these men were there to point that out.

There were enough people there to sort it out, so we just moved along. There was nothing to see there.

* Of course, they may not have been fathers, they could have been uncles, dads' partners, step fathers or any other manner of male. The term "father" has been used for alliteration purposes. And brevity.

** Of course, they may not have wives. They may have been any other related female. Or football loving passer-by.


Kerrio said...

And on my birthday too - how terribly indecorous!

Beanz said...

OOO happy birthday Kerrio. Hope them dogs are treating you!

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

this country is definitely going to "the dogs".....and that is an insult to us dogs.

I blame it on the government, whatever government is in power, its all their fault!

love and licks, A Civilised Marvin xxxxxx